Be In Touch Screen Time Guidelines

0 hours/day
Impaired ability to focus.
Missed developmental opportunities.
Underdeveloped fine motor control.
Delayed language development.
No screens for babies and toddlers, except video calls.
1 hour/day
Impaired eyesight.
Impaired body control.
Instantaneous feedback expectations,
Delayed language use and cognitive ability,
All screen interactions should be chosen with a parent
2 hours/day
Underdeveloped emotional impulse control.
Social anxiety.
Obsessive concern with games / videos.
Impaired memory development.
No gaming during the week.
No personal digital device.
20-20-20 rule: every 20 mins of screen time, break and focus on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
2,5 hours /day
Impaired reward circuitry in brain.
Lack of self-control.
Inability to read social cues.
Lack of enthusiasm.
Withdrawing from socialising.
Devices should be loaned not owned by children.
Screen time is a privilege not a right.
No devices in rooms or toilets.
Set up a phone hotel for playdates.
Discuss device use for entertainment vs productivity.
3 hours /day
Social withdrawal & low self-esteem.
Distorted idea of reality.
Lack of social intelligence.
Inability to complete goals.
Prioritisation of online relationships.
Poor posture & sleeping habits.
Discuss the need to be aware of:
• Entertainment vs productivity
• Digital fantasy vs reality
• Persuasive Technology
Make time for outdoor activities, family meals and
discussions with your children.
*World Health Organisation Guidelines 2019

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