1. B E M I N D F U L O F S C R E E N T I M E
    Understanding the impacts of digital overuse is the first step to setting healthy digital screen time limits for both you and your children.
    Be in Touch Screen Time Guidelines
  2. C R E A T E A F A M I L Y D I G I T A L A L L I A N C E
    Agreeing and setting digital use behaviours and limits is essential to creating good family digital habits in your home.
    Be in Touch Conversation guide
    Be in Touch Digital Family Alliance template
  3. M O D E L G O O D D I G I T A L H A B I T S
    Check your own screen time use Tell them what you are doing on your device, to help them understand the difference between functional and fun tech use. Children are more likely to do what we do, rather than do what we say.
    Set the example for your kids:
    – check your own screen time use
    – Tell them what you are doing on your device, to help them understand the difference between functional and fun tech use.
  4. I N S T A L L P A R E N T A L C O N T R O L S
    Protect your family from digital risks – cyber bullying, pornographic exposure, inappropriate messaging, cyber crime, identity-theft, ransomware…
    Be in Touch recommended home security solutions
  5. U N D E R S T A N D A G E R E S T R I C T I O N S
    Know what apps, games, movies and memes are popular – and what the recommended age restrictions are. CommonSense Media is our touchstone.
    Be in Touch App Guide
  6. C H A N G E D E V I C E / A P P / G A M E S E T T I N G S
    When their devices reveal their location, or apps enable access to information, your family is exposed to unintended risks of predation and cybercrime. Keep your personal information private.
    Be in Touch Settings Tips
  7. K N OW P A S SWO R D S & C H E C K D E V I C E S
    As parents, our primary concern must be the emotional and physical safety of our children. There is no privacy online. Devices should be loaned and not owned by kids.
  8. J O I N Y O U R K I D ’ S O N L I N E WO R L D
    Ask your child about their digital day ? Our children don’t GO online, they LIVE online. If we don’t ask them about their digital lives, they won’t tell us about it. Know which Apps and games your kids use and befriend them – just don’t embarrass them!